Curly Red Mudwire


When Michael Sherrill was just a wee pup of a potter, he watched in awe as someone used the spring from a ballpoint pen as a pottery tool. Fast forward to Michael designing tools for potters, and you have the Curly Red Mudwire. This is more than just a cut-off tool. The coiled wire leaves a beautiful pattern as you pull it through the clay. Use it for faceting, and you get a surface that looks beautiful on wood-fired or salt-fired pots and underglazes that break (like celadon or temmoku).

Our handles are made of a durable polymer and are shaped to give you a comfortable ergonomic grip without having to wrap the wire around your fingers. The stainless steel coiled wire comes to you compressed, and you pull it out to get the curl that suits you.

(wire extends up to a max total length of approximately 15″)


